Searching for signs

Do you have apophenia? This is when numbers and patterns of numbers are considered to be meaningful when they’re not. I think I might have it, which makes me think I should stop consulting Dr. Google. But it also makes me wonder why someone else should have the right...

The sounds of spring

Ah, the beautiful sounds of spring are drifting through windows that the warmer days are allowing is us crack open. Chickadees are chirping in the trees that line the lane, and the bellow of geese can be heard from fields all around as they take a breather from their...

A lifetime of loving music

Fans sitting on top of a painted bus at the Woodstock Music Festival, Bethel, New York, 15th-17th August 1969. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images) The Museum at Bethel Woods, located on the site of the legendary Woodstock music festival, is working over the next...