How to Retire
Guest writers, wellness tips and advice
Tips about retirement
Before I stepped away from my 35-year communications career, I thought about all the usual questions: who, what, where, when and why. So ‘how’ sort of sums it all up! Aside from regular meetings with my financial adviser and a few hints to my boss, I didn’t really engage in too much prep. I didn’t know How to Retire. So I have reached out and asked some experienced people for help in this area, and I want to thank the following guests who are sharing their expertise. Please visit often – we can all learn together as we move forward! (Be sure to click on the logos to visit their websites)
You’ve retired and now what?
Go experience a yoga class!
Today’s tip courtesy of Good Things Yoga:
Moving to the next phase of your life, as with any change, can be a time to create new habits, revisit old pastimes and welcome wellness rituals. Yoga can easily be incorporated into your routine to aid with mobility, develop awareness, and guide you through the stages of your life.
While the term yoga connotes a series of movements in our culture, Yoga is an entire philosophy and way of life, one which has developed over millennia and continues to thrive in different capacities throughout the world. Yoga is not a religion: in fact, many religions can embrace the philosophy of yoga in addition to their beliefs.
Whether you choose to explore Yoga solely for the movement and mobility aspect, or to establish a mindfulness and meditation practice, any person can partake. The benefits of a dedicated practice can range from physical to mental to emotional to spiritual. And, these benefits will likely change over the course of practice.
Beginning a Yoga practice might seem daunting as there are a myriad of diverse classes, formats, styles and instructors available. Many studios and instructors will suggest options based on open and honest dialogue. Asking questions, advising instructors of pertinent information, and being honest about what you want from practicing Yoga will aid in finding the best choice for you.
Below are some common terms you might come across as you investigate classes:
Hatha – perhaps the most traditional form; different physical shapes and breath patterns are explored to help bring the body and mind to stillness; most other forms are derived from Hatha
Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Flow, Power – more vigorous forms; best suited for those with experience; expect movements to be linked, quick and transition from floor to standing to floor multiple times
Yin – expect to stay still in a physical shape for 1-5+ minutes; it targets connective tissue; most shapes are either seated or lying reclined on the floor
Restorative – focuses on relaxation; likely using yoga props as support for comfort; a way to combat the busyness of life.
Know that the best time to begin is now!
Vanessa Gilbertson, RYT500
It’s time to retire…what does that look like for your dental health?
Today’s Tips courtesy of Day Dental, Innisfail:
It’s time to retire…what does that look like for your dental health?
There are some very important things you want to consider at least a year prior to retirement. Some dental treatment is done in stages so you want to allow yourself enough time to complete any work that is required. It is also a good idea to let your dental professionals know that you will be retiring so that they may aid you in the transition regarding your dental health.
Have you maintained your dental health? It is never too late to start.
You will want to get a complete checkup and cleaning with x-rays to determine if you have any dental work that is required.
Do you have any outstanding dental treatment that needs to be completed?
Do you have some dental work that you are waiting to do, like perhaps crowns, bridges, implants, etc. Now is the time to get started.
Will there be a change to your dental insurance? Your dental office may be able to assist you with those changes and understand your new coverage.
The dental staff at Day Dental are ready to answer any questions you may have, feel free to contact our office @ 403-227-0228 or admin@daydental.ca
Eat Well & Stay Well in Retirement!

Today’s Tips courtesy of The Jungle Farm:
How to Stay Well in Retirement!
Leona Staples, who owns the Jungle Farm with her husband Blaine, shares some tips on important nutrition for an aging body. Leona holds a BSc in Home Economics from the University of Alberta:
One of the key things we hear about is how vital it is to ensure we’re getting enough calcium. This is important throughout our lifespan because calcium helps build and maintain strong bones. In aging bodies where bones naturally become less dense, it is vital. The heart, muscles and nerves also need proper calcium to function normally. Although there are plenty of calcium supplements, it is optimal to glean these nutrients from the food you eat. Some calcium-rich foods include seeds, cheese, yogurt, sardines and canned salmon, beans and lentils, almonds, whey protein and leafy greens.
Another key to wellness is a properly functioning digestive system. There is more and more research on the link between ‘gut health’ and overall health, including mental health. Sauerkraut is an excellent source of probiotics and vitamin K2, which are known for their health benefits. Probiotics help support digestion by improving the healthy ‘gut bacteria’ in your digestive system. Other foods contain beneficial probiotics such as yogurt, kimchi and kombucha, and each product can contain different strains of bacteria which may vary in their benefits.
Raw, unpasteurized sauerkraut packs an extra health-punch, because it contains beneficial probiotics that generally do not survive the pasteurization process and has a greater diversity of microorganisms. Simply put, sauerkraut has live probiotics that die off once the sauerkraut is pasteurized. Although any sauerkraut can supplement the natural digestive system, unpasteurized sauerkraut is most exceptional in the health-giving boost – and The Jungle Farm produces unpasteurized sauerkraut by the pailful! We provide our unpasteurized sauerkraut to you safely, in airtight containers to retain these important properties. Like so much of what The Jungle Farm produces, there is a complexity of science behind the growth and preparation of the cabbage plant that creates the healthiest and heartiest plant available.
And speaking of healthy and hearty plants, at The Jungle Farm we highly value a plant-based diet for the impact on health and wellness. This doesn’t necessary mean cutting out meat completely, but to shift the ratio of animal to plants on your plate to create delicious and nutritious meals that will appeal to everyone. A great deal has been studied and written about the benefits of emphasizing fruits and vegetables in your diet. We love the versatility, flavour and power of plants. Everyone at The Jungle Farm works to get fruits and vegetables literally from our ground into your hands!