There was a time when everyone was giving me scarves for Christmas. It was a strange phase, but they were all lovely and some were even handmade which made them even more special. I figured maybe I had reached that time in my life when I had become difficult to buy for. A senior living in a small condo doesn’t need knickknacks, after all, so the default seems to be decorative soap or hand cream for women and warm socks for men. Hey, scarves are gender neutral! Maybe that was part of the appeal.
After I got over my disbelief that gift after gift was the same thing, I made myself slow down to take a long look at each one and think about why each person picked that particular scarf for me. Some were practical scarf-and-toque sets to keep me warm for the long winter months ahead. Some were dainty fashion scarves meant to accessorize an outfit. Others were beautiful handknit scarves that were obviously created over time. I appreciated those so much, knowing that my loved one had thought of me with each stitch. What a loving gift!
One I opened and had to stifle a laugh at the poor workmanship, especially because the person who made it was sitting right across from me in a coffee shop! It was my friends’ first attempt at knitting which was obvious from the gaping hole, where stitches had been accidentally dropped and then hand stitched back together with a needle and thread. It was misshapen and far too long to be of much use, but I loved the attempt. I immediately lifted it from the wrapping paper and began to wind it around and around myself, as we both giggled over our coffees. I looked like a mummy, she declared. Now when I put it on, during really cold days when I need the extra layers or on stay-inside days when I need a little laugh, it’s not the quality of the scarf itself I think of. I think of my friend and all the years we have laughed at missteps and cried at mishaps together.
Gifts woven from love or purchased with care, wrapped with ribbons and bows, and given to me with such compassion and forethought. Scarves keep you warm and hold you tight. They liven up your blouse and brighten up your eyes. They carry a subtle scent of perfume from the last wearing. They are like getting a great big warm hug from someone who cares very much. What a beautiful gift!