Back to school rituals

This is the week when kids are turning the corner from summer freedom to school routines. Parents are trying to break the habits of late nights, uncombed hair and spontaneous shenanigans, as they attempt to set the tone for the business at hand. So many common rituals...

Choosing a place of rest

When I was visiting my friend earlier this spring, she told me she had just coordinated all the logistics around her and her husband’s gravesite. They had purchased a plot for their final resting place and did I want to drive over to take a look? Well, it wasn’t the...

Common sense oncology

I realize writing about death and dying is not the usual fare for this lighthearted column. But I write about life every week, of which death is an inevitable part. I have reflected a great deal, as have many of you I’m sure, on whether I will be able to focus my...