by Sbexon | Nov 20, 2024 | Author, Community, Hobbies, Lifestyle, Nostalgia, Wellness
Someone recently mentioned to me that they are feeling less confident about their writing and they figure it’s because of what they have come to read. This thought was shared by an incredibly successful entrepreneur who has a number of degrees and interacts with...
by Sbexon | Oct 23, 2024 | Author, Community, History, Lifestyle, Nostalgia
(Me with the toque on The Great Wall in 1984) As of today, I have been on this earth for 32,014.5 days. The half is because I was born midway through my first day. I know this because my dad dropped my mom off in the morning at The Calgary General Hospital, where he...
by Sbexon | May 22, 2024 | Author, Career, Community, Hobbies, Lifestyle, Writing
Image by BillionPhotos on Freepik I used to think it was only writers who were extra aware of the different markets that welcomed us in, but I’m coming to know that readers also share that priority. Readers have supported independently-published books for a long time...
by Sbexon | May 17, 2024 | Author, Community, History, Hobbies, Lifestyle, Nostalgia, Parenting
How many boxes of Girl Guide cookies have you eaten so far this spring? Don’t you love the moment you answer the door and realize it’s that special time of year, when you get to debate which is best – the chocolate or the vanilla. Or, for you outsiders, if this year’s...
by Sbexon | May 8, 2024 | Author, Community, Hobbies, Lifestyle
I seldom re-read a book and I don’t like to accumulate things, so I jumped on the early days of kindle to ‘stock my bookshelf’ without adding things to dust. I now read a combination of gifted books, some borrowed from the library, some bought at the used bookstore...
by Sbexon | Apr 24, 2024 | Author, Career, Lifestyle, Nostalgia, Writing
Do you have apophenia? This is when numbers and patterns of numbers are considered to be meaningful when they’re not. I think I might have it, which makes me think I should stop consulting Dr. Google. But it also makes me wonder why someone else should have the right...