Remember the days of dating?

You know the drill. You’re showered and all shined up like a pretty penny. You’ve chosen your clothes with care and even put on some make-up. You’re ready to go, but stop and ask yourself: do I smell like pee? To be clear, the possibility of smelling like pee would be...

Making writing accessible

Image by BillionPhotos on Freepik I used to think it was only writers who were extra aware of the different markets that welcomed us in, but I’m coming to know that readers also share that priority. Readers have supported independently-published books for a long time...

Searching for signs

Do you have apophenia? This is when numbers and patterns of numbers are considered to be meaningful when they’re not. I think I might have it, which makes me think I should stop consulting Dr. Google. But it also makes me wonder why someone else should have the right...